Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dark Storm: Ascension Kickstarter Launches + Trip to Alaska

Indie startup company, Fenrir Studios has launched their Kickstarter campaign following a successful Steam Greenlight, where the proposed game got over 13,000 yes votes. Quite the achievement for a studio that claims their inspiration is to pay homage to the popular Metal Gear Solid franchise. In fact, finding any indie developer creating a stealth action game is rare.

Since the launch of the Dark Storm: Ascension Kickstarter campaign on August 3rd, 80+ backers have pledged over $2000, with the numbers steadily growing each day. Sure, these aren’t high numbers compared to some recent games featured on Kickstarter, but most of them had major developments, behind the wheel – even Sony backed one particular project. For an indie, gaining any traction from a cynical audience is an uphill battle.

Fenrir Studios is also giving away a demo/prototype of their game, which they are calling Dark Storm: UDK Build. The demo, which is said to feature elements that the developer wishes to include in the full game is currently available on Steam and IndieDB – where the latter is currently featuring Dark Storm on their front page.

Originally, Dark Storm was being developed using the Unreal Developers Kit, hence the UDK build. Apparently, they’ve since moved to the Unreal Engine 4, which is a major reason for their Kickstarter where they are seeking 50k.

It should be noted that among Dark Storm: Ascension’s tiers is a free trip to Alaska, which is currently set for 1 person that donates $10,000. The developer states this backer will join them on a trip to Alaska, which is the setting of the game.

The campaign runs through September 1st. So if you are interested, show these small Indie’s your support. 

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